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When Flight Attendant Had to Work on Christmas, Her Dad Booked Seats On All 6 of Her Flights to Spend Time With Her

When Flight Attendant Had to Work on Christmas, Her Dad Booked Seats On All 6 of Her Flights to Spend Time With Her
When a hard-working flight attendant was scheduled to work on Christmas, her dad booked seats on all six of her flights so he could spend time with her.

While there is no place like home for the holidays, flight attendant Pierce Vaughan was unfortunately scheduled to work through Christmas Eve and Christmas.

However, her devoted father Hal was not about to miss out on spending the holidays with his daughter – so he booked seats on all six of her flights.

Hal's sweet Yuletide gesture was first brought into the limelight after he was seated next to fellow passenger Mike Levy on a flight from Fort Myers to Detroit.

When Levy heard about Hal's flights, he snapped a photo with the dad and posted it to social media, praising the family for their heartwarming adoration for each other.

"I had the pleasure of sitting next to Hal on my flight back home. His daughter Pierce was our flight attendant who had to work over Christmas," Levy wrote on Facebook. "Hal decided he would spend the holiday with her. So, he is flying on each of her flights today and tomorrow around the country to spend time with his daughter for Christmas. What a fantastic father! Wish you both a very Merry Christmas!"

The post was shared thousands of times until it was eventually republished by Pierce, who was delighted to see her and her father's story on social media.

"Dad's first trip using his benefits was a success!" wrote Pierce. "A special thanks to all of the patient, wonderful gate agents around the country and my perfect crew. He made it on every flight and even got first class RSW-DTW (Christmas miracle)."

Since Pierce works for Delta Airlines, the company later released a statement in response to the story, thanking their flight attendant for her hard work.

"We appreciate all of our employees for working during the holidays to serve Delta customers," wrote the airline, "and [we] love seeing this awesome Dad having the chance to spend Christmas with his daughter – even while crisscrossing the country at 30,000 feet."

Be Sure And Fly This Story Over To Your Friends By Sharing It On Social Media – Photo by Mike Levy

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