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10 Most Inspiring Stories for 2008

10 Most Inspiring Stories for 2008
These are the top news stories from last year that really tugged at the heartstrings. They were some of the most popular stories of 2008 according to readers of the Good News Network. Grab a box of tissues, and enjoy the 10 Most Inspiring Stories of the year...

These are some of top good news stories from last year that really tugged at the heartstrings. They were also ten of the most popular stories of 2008 according to viewers of the Good News Network. Grab a box of tissues, and cheer for the hero dogs, inspiring teens and selfless citizens…

1) Moment of Mercy Stuns Crowd at Softball Finals – During collegiate playoffs, a member of one women's softball team hit a home run over the fence, but collapsed with a knee injury after rounding first base. Players on the opposing team asked umpires if they could carry her around the remaining bases so that her home run could be counted as her own — her first home run ever. (Video with photo, here) Video courtesy of Positive Coaching Alliance, www.positivecoach.org

2) A Victim Treats His Mugger to Dinner – Julio Diaz bought his mugger some dinner and possibly changed the teenager's life. The man earlier handed over his wallet to the knife-wielding teen, and as a result had to ask for it in order to pay the tab at the diner. (When he got his wallet back he gave the kid $20 and likely a new lease on life. (NPR story and audio)

3) Good Samaritan Buys Strangers' Gasoline – A Portland, Oregon man surprises strangers at a gas station, offering to pay their tab if they ‘pay it forward'. David brought tears of joy to the amazed drivers saying, "Just do something nice for someone else, whatever is in your budget to do for someone else." (CNN Video at Good News Network)

4) Sheriff Suspends Foreclosure Evictions Against Innocent Renters – Even renters who have not missed a payment are caught in the foreclosure squeeze nationwide, but now Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has taken a stand saying he would help innocent renters who are playing by the rules, but whose landlords are facing foreclosure, by protecting them from surprise eviction. (Video and text story)

5) Argentine Dog Saves Abandoned Baby – A newborn Argentinian baby abandoned outdoors in cold winter by her 14-year-old mother was found being kept warm by a farmer's dog that moved it under cover and placed it alongside her own brood of puppies. (BBC has a video and story)

6) Coffee Customers Pay It Forward, and Forward, and Forward – Even in these tough times, it is becoming "downright common" for Starbucks customers at this drive-thru window to pay the bill for the car behind them. One cashier has even seen 15 cars of kindness in a row…  Even in Wal-Mart people are paying it forward. (CNN video at Good News Network)

7) Kindness Tornado Rips Through Town – Without warning Biddeford, Maine experienced a tornado of kindness on Thursday. Residents were lifted up and spirits were tossed into unfamiliar territory as Michael Chase of the Kindness Center churned up a whirlwind of "100 acts of kindness in 100 minutes." (Good News Network w/ photos)

8) Hero Dog Wouldn't Leave Kittens in House Fire – In Australia a terrier has surprised and delighted fire-fighters by refusing to leave a litter of newborn kittens caught in a raging house fire. Leo the dog, had refused to leave the house choosing instead to guard a cardboard box containing 4 new-born kittens. Firefighters found the box and rescued the lot. (Video, story and photo at WS and Reuters)

9) Wave of Human Compassion Holds Back the Flooding -Hundreds of people in Quincy, Illinois are bending over shovels with a single task: filling sand bags for delivery down river to people they don't even know. Helping hands of all ages filled a million and a half sandbags to bolster levees for towns along the Mississippi River. (NBC News Video from WS)

10) Dog Pulls Injured Dog From Highway Dodging Traffic – Footage from a traffic camera overlooking a busy freeway in Santiago, Chile captured a dog performing a heroic act — pulling an injured friend from oncoming traffic. The hero dog dodges out to drag the severely injured canine across lanes of traffic as cars swerve around it. Rescue workers arrive to help the dog in the end. (Good News Network)


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