Sarah Eaton started leading hair care workshops teaching dads how to brush and style their daughters' ponytails and braids.
A mom started leading hair care workshops teaching dads how to manage their daughters' hair, training more hands to help in the mornings before school.
Sarah Eaton had been organizing lessons showing moms how to do elaborate plaits and braids when she got the idea because many of the women said their male partners should learn the skills too.
Now, the 38-year-old runs hour-long Dad & Me workshops at her local community center where they learn how to do the basics, like detangle long hair, tie it back in ponytails, and style it into simple braids, bunches, and buns for ballet class.
The hairstylist from West Lothian, Scotland, reports that all the fathers comment on how much more confident it has made them feel.
"The look of admiration on their face after each session is amazing."
Sarah started her small workshop business, Bonnie Braids, after trying to dress up her two daughters for Halloween in 2022. She bought them both red synthetic wigs which she planned to braid but was surprised to find how hard it was to do.
After chatting with other moms in her town of Armadale, she learned that many of them wanted to know how to do Dutch and French braids.
"It went really well, and then a few moms started telling me how their husbands wanted to learn how to do it, so I decided to set one up for them."
Bonnie Braids / SWNS
Sarah has run three sessions for dads so far, and says they are only getting more and more popular.
One of the activities in the workshop which draws the most laughs is when the dads are learning how to do the high bun. (See the video below…)
Dad's style their daughter's hair at Sarah Eaton's 'Dad & Me' workshop - Bonnie Braids / SWNS
"We get the kids to stand up and the dads hold the hair up high while the girls spin around. The kids are so happy because dad can do a bun for their ballet."
Sarah runs the workshops on an "ad hoc basis" with a maximum of eight dads per session, and says it overwrites the myth that doing hair is a female job.
"It just goes to show how valuable it is to break down stigmas," she said.
"Dads should feel just as able to do their daughters hair in the morning before school."
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