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Legally Blind Texas Student Defies Odds, Gets Accepted into Veterinarian School: 'Anything is possible'

Legally Blind Texas Student Defies Odds, Gets Accepted into Veterinarian School: 'Anything is possible'
Snapp was recently accepted into Texas Tech University School of Veterinary Medicine after years of volunteering in local animal clinics. 

Faith Snapp had always grown up around animals; and though she couldn't see them, she "always loved them."

Now, she's on the road to becoming perhaps Texas' first-ever blind veterinarian, and she spoke to Fox News recently about her journey, and about how anything is possible if you believe it's possible.

Born quite prematurely, Snapp has about 10% vision. Her right eye can detect motion. Her left is more suited to colors, large print, and shapes.

"My entire life, my family has raised horses and goats for as long as I can remember," Snapp shared with FOX 26 Houston. On top of the farm critters, Snapp had a guide dog since the beginning of high school.

She says she never let her disability get in the way of her living her life, and as long as there was accommodation and people to support her, she felt there was nothing she couldn't do.

Case in point, Snapp was recently accepted into Texas Tech University School of Veterinary Medicine after years of volunteering in local animal clinics.

She starts her classes in August with an eye on becoming a mixed-animal vet, and working with both housepets and larger animals.

"No matter who you are or what your circumstances… anything is possible," she said. "I just hope my story can help others realize that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to."

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