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Mom Cries When Elderly Stranger Tells Why He Gave Her Son $20

Mom Cries When Elderly Stranger Tells Why He Gave Her Son $20
An elderly stranger in Target gave Alyssa Hacker's son $20 and she could not help but burst into tears when he explained why.

This mother never thought that she would be crying over stuffed animals from Target – but after a visit to the store earlier this week, she couldn't help but tear up.

Alyssa Hacker was at the department store with her 18-month-old son Owen in Fort Smith, Arkansas when they found the toy section. Delighted by the toys, Owen started playing with three of the stuffed dinosaurs.

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Alyssa says that this behavior is not out of the ordinary for her son because he is a very outgoing toddler. She even says that his favorite thing to do is say "hi" and "bye" to strangers.

After he greeted the man in the store, however, the senior responded by saying: "Hey sweet boy".

Despite Alyssa being wary of strangers getting too close to her son, the man and the boy began to chat and play. Suddenly, the man pulled out his wallet.

"The man got his wallet out and pulled a $20 out, he put it in Owen's pocket on his shirt and said: ‘I just lost my 2-year-old grandson last week. You take this money and buy this boy all three dinosaurs', and rubbed Owen's back, wiped his tears and walked off," Alyssa wrote on Facebook.

"After Owen yelled ‘thank you' the gentleman turned around and yelled boomer sooner! There is still some good in this world."

Alyssa did use the $20 to buy the dinosaurs, and she later spoke to TODAY, saying: "These three stuffed dinosaurs have more meaning than I ever thought a stuffed animal from Target could have. We will hold on to these memories forever!"

Multiply The Good: Click To Share (Photo by Alyssa Hacker)

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