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Mini-Taj Mahal is a Retiree's Monument to Love of his Late Wife

Mini-Taj Mahal is a Retiree's Monument to Love of his Late Wife
An 80-yr-old man is building a replica of the Taj Mahal in his backyard as a memorial to his late wife so she'll never be forgotten.

A retired postmaster is keeping a promise to his late wife, spending his old age, and all the money he has, to build her a shrine - a replica of the Taj Mahal - so she will never be forgotten.

80-year-old Faizul Hassan Qadri has been working on the monument since his wife, Tajammuli, passed away in 2011. People come from miles around to see the "mini-Taj Mahal in his village in India. She's laid to rest inside the shrine, and Qadri has made plans to be interred next to her when he passes on.

The original Taj Mahal was built by a Mughal emperor as a mausoleum for his wife, an empress in the 17th century. Qadri doesn't have the resources of an emperor, having to pause construction each time he runs out of money until he can sell land or his wife's jewelry to continue building. He's spent about $17,000 on the project so far.

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Qadri has turned down donations, even an offer of help from the chief minister of his district, saying he wants to finish the 27-foot tall monument on his own as a labor of love for his wife of 58 years.

They never had children and she often worried the two would have no one to remember them when they were gone. He promised that people would remember, and is making certain they will.

(WATCH the video below from Press TV or READ more at the Washington Post) Photos: Press TV video

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