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After Finding Courage To Ask Cafes For Leftovers, She Feeds Homeless for Years

After Finding Courage To Ask Cafes For Leftovers, She Feeds Homeless for Years
After a woman worked up the nerve to ask a restaurant manager for leftover chicken, she found a way to feed the homeless for years.

For Amy Murphy, the hardest part of feeding the homeless was working up the nerve to ask a restaurant for leftovers.

After that, finding the courage to wear a chicken hat in public every day was a piece of cake.

The people in Greensboro, North Carolina know Murphy as the chicken lady, or, "the lady in the funny hat."

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It helps her stand out in the crowd every Monday when she serves a hot meal to the homeless in town, which she's been doing for years.

Murphy says she was out of her "comfort zone" and nervous about asking the manager at a fried chicken restaurant for unsold food when she first started.

"I'm trying to figure out how to ask him," Murphy told WGHP news. "‘There are these people in this camp, and I wanted to see if — do you ever have any leftover chicken?'"

Blurting out that question got the manager onboard with her idea. She's been picking up chicken from that restaurant ever since – and more restaurants have started donating their unsold food as well.

And with that, getting over a case of butterflies in her own stomach helped Murphy put food in hundreds of hungry ones.

(WATCH the WGHP News video) — Photo: WGHP video – Story Tip: Kelly Harrington

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