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Man Pays Off All Overdue Lunch Fees at Hometown Elementary School

Man Pays Off All Overdue Lunch Fees at Hometown Elementary School
Jerry Fenton wrote a check for $700 to his hometown elementary school so no children would have to be in debt during lunchtime for the rest of the year.

Jerry Fenton wanted to give back to his alma mater in a special way, so he opened his wallet—and his heart—to the families with overdue lunch fees.

Earlier this week, Fenton walked into Grimes Elementary School of Burlington, Iowa and wrote a check for $700 – enough to pay off the current $458 debt, and to buy lunch for many struggling students in the future.

The donation helped approximately 89 kids and their parents. Most of the students don't even know when they're over drafted because the notice goes straight to the parents.

"Wowsers! Jerry Fenton, a citizen of our community paid for all overdue lunches of all Grimes kids today!" posted the school on their Facebook page. "Jerry, you are our hero!"

Feed Your Friends Some Positivity: Click To Share – Photo by Ben+Sam, CC

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