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Berlin Senior Uses Spray Paint to Turn Swastikas into Hearts

Berlin Senior Uses Spray Paint to Turn Swastikas into Hearts
70-year-old Irmela Schramm will not stand by and leave hateful propaganda in the streets – that's why she brings spray paint with her wherever she goes.

Irmela Schramm is a 70-year-old woman intent on fighting hate with spray paint.

The Berlin senior always carries a bag reading "Anti-Nazi", containing red paint, nail polish remover, and a scraper so that if she sees a swastika or hate sign, she can turn it into a big beautiful red heart instead.

"I'm really concerned by this hate propaganda. And I want to take a stand," Irmela told CNN. "Not just hollow words. But to do something.  I could look at that swastika and ‘Nazi Kiez' graffiti and say ‘oh, that's awful' and walk by. But no one would dare to do anything. Well, I don't want to wait for someone else to do something about it."

Though Irmela has received threats from neo-Nazi organizations and light warnings from the police, this determined woman doesn't plan on backing down anytime soon.

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