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Man Has Eaten a Frozen Mince Pie Made by his Late Mom Every Christmas for Last 21 Years

Man Has Eaten a Frozen Mince Pie Made by his Late Mom Every Christmas for Last 21 Years
Richard Newson will once again taste one of his mother's home-baked mince pies this Christmas—21 years after she died.

A man will once again taste one of his mother's home-baked mince pies this Christmas—21 years after she died.

Richard Newson discovered a batch of 47 pastry treats in the bottom of his mum's freezer following her sudden passing in December 2002.

Now, every Christmas, he defrosts one of the small pies and scoffs it down in memory of his mum Marlene.

Marlene used to bake hundreds of festive treats and dish them out to shops, businesses, and friends in Fleetwood, near Blackpool, England, for no other reason other than to spread Christmas cheer.

"She used to bake hundreds of them and had started to bake them, storing in the freezer before she died," explained Richard. "I decided to take them home and eat one every single year in her memory."

He lamented that this year's tin did taste like a 21-year-old mince pie, but he dug in anyway.

"The pastry is still great—short and crumbly—but the mincemeat did have a funny taste this year. But it wasn't too bad!"

Richard allows the pies to defrost naturally and then warms them slightly before the main event. It has become a family tradition and heralds the start of their family Christmas.

"Mum absolutely loved Christmas and we do too. She has passed on, but I think she would be telling me off for still eating them now."

Back in 2002 there were 43 mince pies. In the early days the family joined in, but now it is only Richard who dares to eat one.

There are lots left and he plans to keep up the family tradition until they are gone.

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