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Governor Intervened So Mom Could Keep Her Hilarious License Plate

Governor Intervened So Mom Could Keep Her Hilarious License Plate
Wendy Auger has had the same license plate for the last 15 years—and now thanks to New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, she can keep it for even longer.

For 15 years, Wendy Auger's license plate has brought laughter and smiles to her fellow motorists—so when she received a warning letter about her tags being too inappropriate, she was flabbergasted.

Most families are familiar with the golden rule of road trips: always use the bathroom before you leave so your parents don't have to pull over at a rest stop ten minutes into the journey.

That's why Auger, who is a mother-of-four from New Hampshire, made her car's vanity plate say "PB4WEGO".

"[People] think it's funny," she told TODAY. "I get thumbs-ups, honks on the highway, people yelling ‘Awesome plate!' in drive-through lines. It brings a chuckle and a smile to the people who can figure it out."

Despite the plate's popularity, however, Auger received a letter from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in early August saying that her plate was being revoked for referring to "excretory acts".

Auger was bewildered by the bureaucratic demand, but she wasted no time in appealing the recall.

Photo by Wendy Auger

Thankfully, she received an unexpected ally in her fight to keep her family's beloved plate.

A few days into Auger's appeal, Governor Chris Sununu had been out grocery shopping when a friend told him about the kerfuffle—and he immediately contacted the DMV about letting the mom keep her plates.

"Upon this being brought to my attention, I reached out to the Division of Motor Vehicles and strongly urged them to allow Wendy to keep the license plate she has had for the last 15 years," Sununu said in a statement. "I recently left a message on her phone to share the good news that her plate will not be recalled."

Needless to say, Auger was thankful for the intervention.

"I'm glad, now that there's been a resolution," she told TODAY. "It makes me happy, but I was still shocked … it's just crazy.

"I mean, I could see if it was offensive in some manner, but clearly in 15 years I haven't offended anybody with the plate," she added.

After this matter was brought to my attention I strongly encouraged the NH DMV to allow Wendy to keep the license plate she has had for the last 15 years. Common sense prevails! https://t.co/4dJP9qTxKU

A Little Common Sense For All: Be Sure And Share The Happy Ending With Your Friends On Social Media…

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