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Man Flooded With Job Offers After Handing Out His Resumés in the Heat With a Smile On His Face

Man Flooded With Job Offers After Handing Out His Resumés in the Heat With a Smile On His Face
This 30-year-old father was finally given the perfect job offer after he took to the streets with his resumés in hand earlier this month.

After Patrick Hoagland was laid off from his job as a forklift operator, he spent weeks applying for work around town-but he didn't have any lucky until he finally took a more creative approach to getting work.

With temperatures soaring as high as 110º Fahrenheit, the 30-year-old father headed to a street corner in Phoenix, Arizona with 200 copies of his resumé in hand.

He also carried a sign that told passing drivers he had been laid off and he wanted them to take a resumé.

For three days, Hoagland would spend a few hours at the same intersection handing out resumés with a huge smile on his face-and then he caught the eye of Melissa DiGianfilippo.

DiGianfilippo, who works at a PR and marketing agency, had been driving back to work from lunch when she saw Hoagland on the street. After taking one of his resumés, she realized Hoagland did not have the right skills for her agency; nevertheless, she posted a photo of Hoagland and his resumé to social media with the hopes that it would help land him a job.

To their surprise, the posts spread like wildfire. Within days, Hoagland was flooded with hundreds of job offers.

I was driving down Camelback Rd in Phx near my office and saw this guy on the side of the road with a smile in 110-degree heat, with a sign asking people to take his resume. I love that he was not asking for a handout, just for people to consider him for a job. #pleaseshare #job pic.twitter.com/5QAUpCkGWk

Hoagland ended up taking a job at a concrete grinding company in Phoenix-and he says he could not have done it without DiGianfilippo's help.

"She has been so great, she didn't need to help me, but she did and it has changed my life," he told CNN. "I am so grateful for her."

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