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Daughter's Compassion For Classmate Prompts Mom to Buy-out Entire Store Supply of 1,500 Shoes

Daughter's Compassion For Classmate Prompts Mom to Buy-out Entire Store Supply of 1,500 Shoes
A little girl's simple request inspired her mom to buy out entire shoe store to help kids in need by giving away free shoes in a back-to-school bash.

A compassionate mom from Arkansas is being praised for buying out the entire stock of a closing shoe store so she could donate all of the pairs of shoes to people in need.

Carrie Jernigan had been shopping with her kids at the Payless Shoe Store closing in Alma when her daughter asked if they could buy an extra pair of Avengers-themed shoes for her classmate whose shoes were too small.

Jernigan was more than happy to buy the shoes for her daughter's friend. Then, following a curious afterthought, she asked the cashier how much it would cost to buy the rest of the store's supplies.

She told KFSM: "As I was checking out I just said 'how much for the rest of the shoes in the store,' almost joking, and I could see the clerk's face, her wheels start to turn, and she finished checking me out. She said 'can I have your number?'"

The district manager later called Jernigan and told her the cost of purchasing all the product left in the store-about 1,500 boxes of shoes-and Jernigan jumped on the chance.

Since she bought out the store's supply back in May, she and her family have been giving the shoes away to needy kids in their community.

"If you ask [my kids] what they want to be when they grow up, they say be kind-and so I don't care what they do in life as long as they are kind and good people," Jernigan told the news outlet.

"This just reiterates to me that their hearts are in the right place, and if it's in the right place they can do amazing things."

(WATCH the news coverage below) - Photo by KFSM

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