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Stories That Matter

Man Gets Anonymous Apology and $40 From Kid Who Scratched His Truck- But Damage is Invisible

Man Gets Anonymous Apology and $40 From Kid Who Scratched His Truck- But Damage is Invisible
A kid sent $40 in the mail to John Zelnio as an apology for scratching his truck. But there was one problem: John couldn't find any scratches!

If you're a car owner, you know how important it can be to maintain your vehicle's engine.

But the exterior of the car also matters. Even though you want your vehicle to look as good as possible, you can't always be around to keep an eye on it. Some things are out of your hands, and total strangers can damage your vehicle when you're not around.

John Zelnio of Moline, Illinois got a letter in the mail earlier this week from one of those strangers. The letter was clearly from a kid, and it was an apology for having scratched his truck with a skateboard.

It read: "Mister, I want to say I'm sorry. My friends and I were running across the street where your truck was parked, and my friend pushed me into your truck and I scratched your truck with my skateboard."

Enclosed with the letter was $40 to cover the cost of the damage, with a promise of more money to come.

But there was one problem that left John confused: He could not find any damages on his truck!

He went public with the letter in hopes of finding the youngster behind the touching gesture and returning the money.

CLICK to watch an video about this honest note, and restore your faith in today's youth…

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