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Man Builds Motorized Trash Bin Complete with Steering Wheel and Horn that Goes 8 mph (VIDEO)

Man Builds Motorized Trash Bin Complete with Steering Wheel and Horn that Goes 8 mph (VIDEO)
He often drives with the lid open for safety reasons, although a series of mounted cameras allow to him drive with the lid closed as well.

There are all kinds of ways to make people smile. You can tell jokes, offer free hugs, or, if you're this guy, you build the world's only road-legal wheelie bin.

Taxed and registered, the electric motor can propel the creation along England's roads at 8 miles per hour.

Inventor Kevin Nicks says part of the reason he does what he does is "just to make people smile."

"There's a lot of negativity in the world one way or another at the moment, but what I try to do is bring some fun to people," says the almost 60-year-old inventor.

He often drives with the lid open for safety reasons, although a series of mounted cameras allow to him drive with the lid closed for a real shock to passersby.

He had originally set out to make the world's fastest lawnmower, but discovered that A: it had already been done, and B: the record was 140 miles per hour.

Kevin Nicks – SWNS

Setting his sights instead on the world record for fastest motorized wheelie bin, he discovered the record was held by a man who did it in honor of his friend who had terminal cancer.

So he decided to let the record stand and outfitted a slower model.

WATCH him driving his wheelie bin…

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