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Adorable Moment When Baby Gorilla Stands Up for the First Time (WATCH)

Adorable Moment When Baby Gorilla Stands Up for the First Time (WATCH)
Bruno was the second gorilla born at the Fort Worth Zoo in Dallas, Texas, and he recently was captured taking his first upright steps.

A three-month-old western lowland gorilla named Bruno recently had his first steps caught on film.

He wobbles a bit and leans on his mother Gracie for support before finally dropping back to the ground.

Bruno (and what a perfect name for a gorilla) was born at Fort Worth Zoo in Texas in the early hours of November 6th to Gracie and his father Elmo.

He was estimated to weigh between four and five pounds at the time of his birth, which is normal for the species, the zoo said.

He's the second gorilla to be born at the zoo, after his older brother Gus was born in 2015.

"Are you seeing what we're seeing? Baby Bruno is standing (with help from Mom)," a zoo spokesperson said.

"You'll notice him squirming around a lot more these days, reaching out or crawling on his mom when she's trying to nap."

Gracie is keeping her baby close while he gets acclimated to the zoo's World of Primates habitat and meets other troop members.

Zookeepers say the pair are continuing to bond but are fully integrated into the troop.

Bruno can be seen by visitors in both indoor and outdoor areas of the habitat, depending on the weather and his activity level, the zoo said.

WATCH the very special moment… 

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