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Muslim Hero in Paris Supermarket Attack to be Given French Citizenship

Muslim Hero in Paris Supermarket Attack to be Given French Citizenship
A hero Muslim employee from Mali who helped hide hostages in a walk-in refrigerator at a Jewish supermarket during last week's Paris attacks will be awarded French nationality in a ceremony on Tuesday.

A hero Muslim employee from Mali who helped hide hostages in a walk-in refrigerator at a Jewish supermarket during last week's Paris attacks will be awarded French nationality in a ceremony on Tuesday.

Lassana Bathily has lived in France since 2006 and applied for French nationality last year.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, who applauded Bathily's "act of bravery,"  will lead the naturalization ceremony after more than 300,000 people signed an online petition calling for Bathily to be made a citizen.

(WATCH the video above or READ the story from France 24)

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