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Mailman Sees Boy Reading Junk Mail for Lack of Books; He Has Books Now!

Mailman Sees Boy Reading Junk Mail for Lack of Books; He Has Books Now!
When a mailman posted a plea for book donations for a 12-year-old boy without any, he only expected a few to show up, not the hundreds that have so far.

A 12-year-old boy wanted to read so badly that he asked a postal worker if there was any extra junk mail he could spare.

Instead of just giving the boy some advertisements to read, the Sandy, Utah mailman asked him if he ever went to the library. Matthew Flores said his family didn't have extra money for the bus fare.

Ron Lynch was so moved by Matthew's eagerness to learn, that he decided to post a plea for his friends on Facebook to donate some used books. He knew he could get a few books from families around town.


Instead of a few used paperbacks, more than three hundred books have been mailed to Matthew from around the United States and overseas.

Matthew couldn't be happier, telling a local news reporter, "Reading is interesting– plus, it gets you smarter," he said.

Lynch and Flores are planning to pay the books forward, sending some to other children who are faced with a similar situation.

(WATCH the KSL News video below)  Photo: KSL video — Story tip from Rae Hunt

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