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79-Year-old is on 'Cloud Nine' After Strangers Donate to Replace Stolen Tricycle

79-Year-old is on 'Cloud Nine' After Strangers Donate to Replace Stolen Tricycle
After a 79-year-old's trike was stolen, a stranger started a fundraising campaign to replace it.


Dolly Juelke absolutely loved her adult tricycle.

The 79-year-old counted on it to get her wherever she needed to go-that is, until it was stolen from behind her home in Fargo, North Dakota last week.

She put the following ad in the paper in hopes of getting back her only ride:

"I would like to make a request to whomever stole my three-wheeler bicycle: I really would like to have it back as I am an elderly woman who really enjoyed my bike as I never learned to drive," the letter reads. "Thank you very much."


Upon seeing her letter, Cassandra Maland - a stranger - set up a GoFundMe page. Within hours, the site raised more than $700 towards the replacement of Juelke's bike.

"I'm dumbfounded, believe me. I just couldn't believe it. It was really nice of everybody," Juelke told WDAY-TV.

The new tricycle cost about $400. Maland says she plans on donating the rest of the money to a community bike shop - once she buys a lock to go with the bike.

(WATCH the video at WDAY or READ more at Inforum) - Photo: WDAY video

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