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Heroic New York Police Officer Runs Out on Thin Ice to Rescue Dog Floundering in Frozen Lake - WATCH

Heroic New York Police Officer Runs Out on Thin Ice to Rescue Dog Floundering in Frozen Lake - WATCH
Police Officer Jonathan Smith bolted onto a frozen lake to rescue a puppy that had fallen through the thin ice in Lewiston, New York

This is the tense moment a police officer bolts onto a frozen lake to rescue a puppy that had fallen through the thin ice.

Officer Jonathan Smith, 30, was called to Bond Lake near Lewiston, New York, after receiving reports of a Labrador that had fallen in about 50 yards from the shore.

In this heart-in-mouth footage captured by a fellow officer's bodycam, the brave cop throws off some equipment before dashing out onto the ice, without any caution for his own safety.

The owner had been walking the 10-month-old pup around the lake on January 5 when Kona spotted a distant flock of geese landing on the water and bolted towards them.

Horrified, Kona's owner watched as the dog fell into the freezing water at the edge of the ice.

In an email to Lewiston Police Department, the owner wrote: "Although she is a strong swimmer, there was zero chance of her getting back out onto the ice and she began to panic and tire quickly."

Frantically they called 911, and 15 minutes later, Officer Smith and two other officers from the Police Department arrived.

Without hesitation or rescue equipment, the officer removed his vest and gun belt and hustled over the ice towards an exhausted Kona.

When he got close enough to her, Officer Smith grabbed the 75-lb. pooch and pulled her from the water so she was able to run back over the ice to her owner.

"Kona and I and everybody that loves her are extremely grateful for his selflessness and courage," the owner wrote. "His professionalism and bravery should be applauded."

"I have witnessed countless acts of selfless heroism, Officer Jon Smith's actions rank high in my book."

Lewiston Police Department posted the bodycam footage from the rescue on their Facebook page, along with the message from Kona's owner.

Officer Smith was also honored recently for pulling a woman from a burning building in November, and has been working at Lewiston Police Department since July 2020.

WATCH the outstanding rescue below…

HAIL This Officer By Sharing his Heroic Rescue on Social Media…

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