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Last Full Moon of the Decade Rises on 12/12 at 12:12 AM - For Lucky East Coasters

Last Full Moon of the Decade Rises on 12/12 at 12:12 AM - For Lucky East Coasters
In addition to being the last full moon of the decade, this week's moonrise on the east coast of the United States will take place at 12:12AM on 12/12.

If you're a stargazing enthusiast who lives on the east coast of the United States, it's time to grab your binoculars-the last full moon of the decade is taking place this week.

For east coasters, the moon is set to hit maximum exposure at exactly 12:12AM on December 12th.

Astronomers all over the world will still be able to catch a gorgeous glimpse of the moonrise, but its full illumination will take place at a less superstitious time than 12:12AM on 12/12.

That being said, stargazers in the central US time zone can still catch the moonrise at 11:12PM on December 11th, which makes for a palindromic timestamp.

This particular full moon has been called the "Long Night's Moon" or the "Cold Moon" because its occurrence in December usually precedes the start of winter on the 21st, meaning that the nights will start getting longer and colder and the moon will sit above the horizon for a longer period of time.

If you want to prepare for this week's moonrise, be sure and check a moonrise calculator as well as your local weather radar for cloud cover predictions. For more general information about the moonrise, you can also check out the Farmer's Almanac.

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