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Watch Celebrations Erupt After Nation's Last Ebola Patient is Discharged From Treatment Center

Watch Celebrations Erupt After Nation's Last Ebola Patient is Discharged From Treatment Center
With no new confirmed cases in the last two weeks, DRC officials believe the nation's second-worst Ebola outbreak has finally come to an end.

This woman officially became the last Ebola patient in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) after she was released from medical care and provided with an official bill of health last week.

Medical teams have been fighting to control the Ebola outbreak since it began in August 2018, making it the nation's second-worst outbreak with more than 2,000 deaths. Since Masika Semida was the last patient treated for Ebola, healthcare workers cheered and danced in celebration as she was discharged from their treatment center in Beni.

Officials have been closely monitoring several dozen people who were in contact with Semida prior to her treatment—but with no new Ebola cases reported within the last two weeks, UN officials believe the outbreak may have finally come to an end.

"I applaud the tireless efforts that have been made to respond to this outbreak and I'm truly encouraged by the news that the last Ebola patient has left the treatment centre healthy," said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa.

The end of the outbreak can only be officially confirmed once there have been no new reported infections 42 days after the last reported case has tested negative. However, all the aspects of the Ebola response remain in place to ensure that any new cases are detected quickly and treated.

According to WHO, surveillance, pathogen detection and clinical management are ongoing, including validating alerts, monitoring the remaining contacts, supporting rapid diagnostics of suspected cases and working with community members to strengthen surveillance on deaths in the communities.

(WATCH the video below) – Photo by ABC News

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