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Amsterdam is Enjoying Quieter Canals as Boats Go Electric Years Ahead of Diesel Ban

Amsterdam is Enjoying Quieter Canals as Boats Go Electric Years Ahead of Diesel Ban
More than 75% of the city's commercial vessels are already meeting Amsterdam's emission-free regulation.

The buzz and rumble of boats passing through Amsterdam's famous canal system is one of the most iconic traits of the Dutch city.

However, a newly-elected Green Party mayor is pushing to transform the second-most popular form of transportation in the city into an all-electric powered force for a cleaner Amsterdam.

Soon, the sound of diesel-powered boat engines could be consigned to history since the city is now planning to ban the diesel engine before 2025.

The city's commercial fleet is already close to achieving that goal since 75% of the city's 550 commercial vessels are already meeting the planned emissions-free regulation, according to Reuters.

The news outlet goes on to say that contractors are expected to install 100 more boat charging stations by the end of 2021. Furthermore, startup Skoon Energy will be launching a floating charging station this week to help with grid balancing.

Although there are still several thousand recreational vessels that are still in need of emission-free upgrades, the canal's new infrastructure is expected to quicken the city's transition to cleaner waterways.

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