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Instead of Families Having to Drive 2 Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together

Instead of Families Having to Drive 2 Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together
These families no longer have to worry about making the 2-hour car ride to their nearest mosque because their local church welcomed them in instead.

When Alia Kamareddine first settled down in Oxford, the nearest mosque at which she could worship was in Halifax—which is a 2-hour drive from her home.

Kamareddine regretted only being able to go to mosque once a year, and as more Muslims moved into the Nova Scotia community, finding a place to worship became more and more of a relevant topic.

Thankfully, she and the other Muslims in her community now have a religious space closer to home, even though it is a little unconventional.

The Trinity United Church now rents out one of their community halls so that Kamareddine, along with the other members of the Muslim Community Group, have a place to worship.

The rent, however, is really just a nominal fee to cover the utilities used by the group.

Since the "mosque within a church" first started sometime in the last few months, it has brought the two religious communities together and created a space for "growth and learning," says CBC.

The church's gesture is especially significant since the 10 Muslim families who attend the mosque have been meeting once a day for Ramadan, the holy month of fasting – and the church members, they say, have been "very open and accommodating."

Share The Positive Community News With Your Friends – Photo by Alia Kamareddine

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