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Homeless Families Treated To 5-Star Dining at Chez Le Church

Homeless Families Treated To 5-Star Dining at Chez Le Church
Volunteers transformed a nondescript church room into a fancy restaurant where waiters in starched shirts served a Thanksgiving feast to homeless families.

Volunteers transformed a nondescript church room with plain walls into a fancy restaurant where waiters in white starched shirts served a Thanksgiving feast to the invited guests—local homeless families.

A jazz trio played dinner music while the glow of candles on every wall and floral table centerpieces gave families the feeling that they were as special as any other in South Los Angeles this weekend.

"This is amazing. It's beyond our wildest dreams," Marty Nislick told KCBS-TV. His group, the Water Buffalo Club, picked up the tab.

Their men's charity has given more than $4 million in 26 years to help those in need.

In addition to the dinner organized by the Falcons Youth and Family Services at what was dubbed "Chateau Le'Hill", the families were treated to an afternoon movie at a local cinema–all to make this a holiday to remember for those who may not feel like they have much to be thankful for.

(WATCH the video below or READ more from KCBS-TV) – Image credit: KCBS video

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