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High School Kids Praise Anonymous Man Who Paid for Their Dinner With One Specific Condition

High School Kids Praise Anonymous Man Who Paid for Their Dinner With One Specific Condition
A group of teenagers had a particularly memorable prom night after an anonymous man offered to pay for their dinner with a simple stipulation.

Prom night is already a memorable night for most high schoolers – but this group of teens had a particularly wonderful night thanks to an anonymous man who offered to pay for their meal.

After their dance was over, eleven Fortuna High School students had gone out for dinner at the Double D Steak restaurant in California to get a bite to eat.

As they were preparing to order, however, the waiter approached the table and said that another patron was offering to pay for their dinner with one specific stipulation: the teens had to enjoy their time together without using their cell phones.

The teens happily put all of their cell phones onto a tray and gave it to the waiter for safekeeping.

One of the students later recounted the story to her mom Kim McKenzie Emmons, and the proud parent made a Facebook post in order to praise the patron for his kindness.

"The great part about this story is that my daughter said they talked the whole night without distractions and said it was a blast," wrote Emmons. "The anonymous gentleman came to their table while he was leaving and told them they were a beautiful group and that it brought back memories of his time when he was younger."

"Thank you to the gentleman that not only paid for their dinner, but taught them you can have a really good time without technology," she added.

Another parent commented on the post, saying: "I am still humbled, proud and excited for these kids! What an amazing man to do such a selfless gesture.

"I hope Each and every young person at that table took a valuable lesson from it. I'd really like to find this amazing man and thank him myself," she added.

The steak restaurant also chimed in on the post and said they would be happy to try and identify the compassionate patron so they could thank him on behalf of the parents.

"This was so awesome! It was so nice to see them all conversing with each other and not on the phones!" wrote the restaurant. "I can try and find out [who the man is because] I thought it was such a cool, kind gesture!"

Be Sure And Share This Sweet Story Of Kindness With Your Friends On Social Media – Photo by 

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