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Quick-Thinking Teen Rushes to Save People Trapped In Burning Building, Inspired by Her Favorite Show

Quick-Thinking Teen Rushes to Save People Trapped In Burning Building, Inspired by Her Favorite Show
Lily Swanson loves a Disney+ show called 9-1-1. That love recently helped her save people's lives.

A hero schoolgirl who saved people trapped in a burning apartment raised the alarm after being inspired by a TV show about the emergency services.

14-year-old Lily Swanson is obsessed with the Disney+ show 9-1-1, so when she noticed a strong burning smell she immediately stopped to investigate.

She had been on a walk with her Rottweiler Isobel near her home in Leyland, Lancashire, but decided to try and find the source of the smell.

The quick-thinking teenager looked around and finally spotted black smoke billowing out of an apartment window on Hough Lane.

Lily ran home to wake her dad Mike Swanson and rang 999.

Mike grabbed his ladders and ran to the scene to help those trapped inside before the building was engulfed in flames.

Lily said, "As soon as I called the fire brigade, we ran back outside and we could see people hanging out the window.

"It had only been a minute or two since I first saw the smoke but as we were running over to help them, one of the windows blew off and fell into the street.


"That's when me and my dad saw the flames. I told my dad we should try and get everyone out of the other window above the barber's next door.

"We opened the ladders and leaned them against the building and there were two or three people trying to climb out. They were desperate."

Thankfully, everyone was evacuated safely after emergency services arrived at the scene just minutes later.

Lily added, "But then the fire brigade showed up very quickly and took over. We couldn't believe how fast they got there.

"We did everything we could do and thankfully everyone got out safely, which is the best that could have happened."

Lily and her dad stayed at the scene while fire crews evacuated the building and ensured everyone was safe.

Mike said, "It was a proud dad moment for me, as it could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for Lily's quick response.

"She's been obsessed with this TV programme on Disney+. It's about emergency services in America who deal with things like this.

"Then this happened practically on our doorstep and she handled it brilliantly. I'm very proud."

Leyland fire station manager Jonny Nottingham, who was the incident commander on the night of the fire, praised Lily for her quick and calm response.

Mr Nottingham said, "We'd like to thank Lily for calling us so quickly after spotting the fire in the apartment.

"We have seen in the past that people can have lots of different reactions to seeing a fire but Lily showed maturity and calmness beyond her years to quickly and effectively notify us."

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