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Little Kids Give You Pep Talks on Recorded Phone Hotline - And They're Adorable (LISTEN)

Little Kids Give You Pep Talks on Recorded Phone Hotline - And They're Adorable (LISTEN)
Kids from West Side Elementary opened the call center as an art project, but now that automated voice system receives 10,,000 calls per day.

It's sometimes said that "wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes," but what it doesn't mention is that you have to dial 1 first.

A new telephone hotline is relieving stress and uplifting callers with laughter, words of encouragement, and advice from elementary school students-and it's ringing off the hook.

The Peptoc Hotline was the brainchild of local art teacher Jessica Martin, who figured she would create some smiles in the Healdsburg, California community. But shortly after launching, it exploded into life-regularly receiving 300-400 calls per hour.

After calling the number 707-998-8410, voices of kids from West Side Elementary will direct the caller in either Spanish or English through the directory to find what topic they need to get through the day.

"I was moved by the incredible collection of advice and encouragement they gleaned, and how easily and distinctly they were able to communicate it," Martin told CNN.

"If you're feeling mad, frustrated or nervous, press 1," says the directory. One of the suggestions you'd hear after being transferred is a student saying, "If you're feeling mad you should take three deep breaths and think of things that make you happy."

"If you need a pep talk from Kindergarteners, press 3… If you need to hear kids laughing with delight, press 4," the directory continues. Voice recordings from pupils ages 5-12 include this gem: "If you're feeling up high and unbalanced, think of groundhogs."

On March 6th, a GoFundMe campaign was launched in response to the avalanche of 11,000 callers every hour! It raised $26,000 to keep the youthful advice flowing.

It was Martin's own 6-year-old son that came up with the name, after she asked him to use his block letter toys to create a flyer for the hotline.

Her only piece of advice is that the name would include the phrase "pep talk," forgetting that this is a very different thing when sounded out by a 6-year-old, who quickly named the hotline "Peptoc" which was charming enough on its own to settle the task.

The hotline will continue for the rest of the school year, reports CNN, and it will surely bring delight to many.

(HEAR their voices in this video news report.)

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