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Dad Has Been Using His Town's Roadside Message Board to Make Thousands of People Laugh

Dad Has Been Using His Town's Roadside Message Board to Make Thousands of People Laugh
A 56-year-old Colorado man has become internationally recognized on the internet by using his town's roadside message board for dad jokes.


When Vince Rozmiarek first started volunteering as the official manager of his community's roadside message board six years ago, he probably didn't think that it would make him internationally famous.

Rozmiarek—who lives in the tiny town of Indian Hills, Colorado with a population of about 1,000 people—says that he took on the job in 2013 because he had been left with an abundance of time on his hands after all three of his kids had grown up and left home.



Initially, he took his job very seriously and only used the highway sign to display relevant messages to the community.

On April Fool's Day, however, he decided to have a little fun by using the message board to make a joke about the neighboring town. After that, he couldn't resist sharing more of his dad jokes with the community.



Using his stash of joke books, the 56-year-old dad starting using the message board to leave amusing quips and puns for the neighbors, such as "I looked up the definition of opaque; it wasn't very clear" and "I periodically make bad science puns."

"Obviously, I'm a man with time on my hands," he told The Washington Post. "My three kids are all grown, and people could use something to smile about. So, why not, I thought."

Despite his enduring career as the community jokester, Rozmiarek says that he has never posted a pun more than once and he has never used a joke that someone else has taken credit for.



He also says that he tries to avoid making political or offensive jokes so he doesn't alienate any of his readers.

Up until 2015, Indian Hill residents were the only ones privy to his jokes—but then one of his neighbors felt inspired to create a Facebook page so he could share his jokes with the world.



"I wanted him to be able to post his … signs for everyone to enjoy," she told The Post. "Vince's puns are absolutely brilliant. He'll text me now and then with new ones and I just die laughing."

Since creating the Indian Hills Community Sign Facebook page, the photos of Rozmiarek's signs have racked up more than 84,000 followers from 54 countries.


Multiply The Laughs By Sharing These Amusing Jokes With Your Friends On Social Media…

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