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Harper Lee Novel, Watchman, Released After 50 yrs of Anticipation

Harper Lee Novel, Watchman, Released After 50 yrs of Anticipation
After being hidden from the public for 50 years, Harper Lee publishes Go Set A Watchman: the sequel to everyone's favorite American novel.

Scout and Atticus Finch are back!

To Kill A Mockingbird, one of the most celebrated pieces of American literature, finally has its sequel in the form of Go Set A Watchman; a novel meant to further explore the Southern family we came to know and love so well.

Until now, the author had never published anything following the success of Mockingbird.

Harper Lee's manuscript for Watchman, having been unearthed by her lawyer in 2014, was reportedly hidden amongst Lee's possessions ever since Mockingbird's publication in 1960. The sequel released this Tuesday was written as the original first draft to Mockingbird with the future intention of a trilogy.


At the ripe old age of 89, Harper Lee has not been engaged in any publication activities or book tours. However, her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama has been celebrating the release of their heroine's novel with gusto and public readings on many street corners, ever since the midnight release party on July 14.

(READ more at The Guardian)

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