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Brat Pack Heart Throb Celebrates 25 Years Sober

Brat Pack Heart Throb Celebrates 25 Years Sober
A Hollywood heart throb celebrates 25 years without a drink, joining Robert Downey, Jr., Bradley Cooper and Colin Farrell making his long-term sobriety public.

Rob Lowe is celebrating 25 years sober, and we're thrilled that he's made a public announcement about it on Twitter.

To those struggling with addiction, there is true, real hope. 25 years ago today, I found recovery; and a life of promise. #Grateful

A quarter century ago, Lowe, who had his first drink at age five, winningly entered rehab after a series of events leading to a rather low–and public–bottom.

To this day, he maintains that it was the best decision he ever made.

Often, we hear about celebrities who are out all night partying, getting DUI's, or ducking in and out of rehab. The media loves to descend on celebrities who just can't "stay on the wagon," rather than focusing on those who've made an honest and successful go at turning their lives around.


By openly celebrating his long-term recovery, Lowe is an inspiration to alcoholics and addicts everywhere—both those who just can't imagine life without picking up a drink, and those who have committed to racking up the years one day at a time. Lowe demonstrates that it's possible, and the rewards are great if you're ready to do the work.

Lowe is joined by Robert Downey, Jr., Bradley Cooper, Colin Farrell, Edie Falco, and Tim McGraw, who have each logged some serious time and made their long-term sobriety public.

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