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Girl Scouts Celebrate 100 Years of Blazing Trails

Girl Scouts Celebrate 100 Years of Blazing Trails
The Girl Scouts founded 100 years ago today in Savannah, Ga., now count 3.2 million members. Generations of girls grew up in those green uniforms, making memories with cookies, crafts and campfires.

It's hard to imagine Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice and Lucille Ball as part of the same club. But they were all, at one time, Girl Scouts.

Founded 100 years ago today in Savannah, Ga., the Girl Scouts now count 3.2 million members.

Generations of girls grew up in those green uniforms, making memories with cookies, crafts and campfires. And, Girl Scout cookies have become as much of an American tradition as apple pie.

(READ or LISTEN to the story from NPR)

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