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Girl Who Took Crucial Exams Hours After Grenfall Fire Gets Top Grades

Girl Who Took Crucial Exams Hours After Grenfall Fire Gets Top Grades
Though Ines Alves doesn't think she's special for sitting through her exams, everyone has been applauding her perseverance in the face of disaster.

Ines Alves made headlines earlier this year when she escaped from Grenfall Tower as it burned and then sat for a chemistry exam only hours later.

The 16-year-old teen had evacuated her flat on the 13th floor with her brother Tiago just as the tower was starting to go up in flames. She only had time to pull some clothes on over her pajamas and grab her notes – but because she assumed that they would return after the fire was extinguished, she took nothing else with her.

Alves studied through the night until finally at 9AM, it was time for her to take the GSCE chemistry exam at the Sacred Heart High School in Hammersmith, in west London.

This week, however, she was happy to discover that she had earned a 9: the highest grade possible.

She also found that she had earned top grades in math and Spanish.

"It's good. I'm quite happy with my grades," she told media sources. "I wish I did more, but then again, I don't know, it hasn't sunk in yet."

Alves and her family are currently staying in a hotel until they can find permanent accommodations to make their new home.

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