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Watch Adorable Toddler Mistake Batman Statue as Her Father

Watch Adorable Toddler Mistake Batman Statue as Her Father
This 22-month-old couldn't understand why her father was refusing to look at her – and it was probably because it was just a statue of Batman.

Some of us might know the feeling of getting cold shouldered when you call someone's name – but when this toddler was trying to get her father's attention, he just stood there like a statue.

Although, it might be because it was, in fact, a statue.

The mother of the 22-month-old toddler posted a video of the youngster repeatedly trying to get the statue's attention by calling out "dada".

While some social media users have insisted that she is probably just saying "Batman", the parents say that the toddler has never even been exposed to Batman before (they're reportedly more of a Marvel family, rather than DC).

"I've never dressed up as Batman. I don't even have Batman stuff around the house," says the father. "The only thing I can think of is the huge muscles that resemble mine."

Considering Bruce Wayne's checkered parenting past, it is probably a good thing that she doesn't associate her loving father with the lonesome Dark Knight. But one thing is for sure – you might be as crazy as the Joker if you don't think that this toddler is the cutest thing ever.

(WATCH the video below)

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