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Beyond Ugly Protests, Germans Open Hearts and Homes for Refugees

Beyond Ugly Protests, Germans Open Hearts and Homes for Refugees
Anti-refugee violence dominate German headlines, but countless unsung volunteers have collected clothing and more for the thousands of Syrians fleeing war.

Anti-refugee protests and arson attacks dominate German headlines, but countless unsung volunteers have been collecting clothing and household goods donated by Germans to distribute to some of the tens of thousands of asylum-seekers fleeing war.

Community leader Wolfgang Esser also organizes youth soccer for the children of newcomers, saying, "Sport is the best vehicle for integration."

He told Reuters that some volunteers are teaching refugees German while others are helping them deal with the maze of German bureaucracy.


150 civil servants have even come out of retirement to help refugees get settled and protected.

Germany has a tradition of welcoming refugees, in part, to atone for the horrors of its Nazi past. 450,000 refugees have been welcomed into the country this year alone.

(READ the full report at Reuters) Photo of Syrian Refugees by IHH Humanitarian Relief, CC

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