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Guy Sacrifices Tesla to Save Unconscious Driver, Elon Musk Offers to Repair It

Guy Sacrifices Tesla to Save Unconscious Driver, Elon Musk Offers to Repair It
This guy knows that the condition of his car is a small price to pay for saving a man's life – but Elon Musk doesn't mind footing the bill for good deeds.

Even though a Tesla Model S is worth thousands of dollars, this guy didn't hesitate to sacrifice it in order to do the right thing and save a man's life.

41-year-old Manfred Kick was driving down the Autobahn – a federally controlled highway with no mandated speed limit – when he saw a Volkswagen swerving dangerously across the road. Curious, Manfred peered into the car's windows only to find that the driver had fallen unconscious against the steering wheel.

He then ran to the man's side and performed first aid until emergency medical technicians arrived and took the unconscious driver to a hospital in Munich, Germany.

Officials said that though the man had reportedly suffered a stroke of some kind, he is currently in stable condition.

Manfred, who was then stuck with over $10,000 in repair costs, was in turn rescued by none other than the Tesla company CEO Elon Musk.

"Congrats to the Tesla owner who sacrificed damage to his own car to bring a car with an unconscious driver safely to a stop!" Musk wrote on Twitter. "In appreciation, Tesla is providing all repair costs free of charge and expedited."

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