Worth Sharing


Stories That Matter

Help Others.org

Help Others.org
Web site shares stories of kindness and generosity. Two of our favorites are featured here.

Help Others is a web community that features stories of kindness. Nothing is known publicly about the site, but the stories are powerful so I'm sharing them — I hope with the blessing of the owners. -Submitted by my friend and advisor in Canada, Harry (user name, KingHartuc)

Julie K. was unable to attend her brother's wedding out of town because finances are tight while raising six children on her own. She shared her "poor me story" with one of the physicians she worked for who told a family member. A week later just days before the wedding, a stranger showed up with a card and $500.00 that said ‘Pack your bags and be with your family.'" (click on read more to hear another favorite, an idea that absolutely tickles us, and will inspire copycats)

Big Quarters by Anonymous:

I WILL be trying this!

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