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Longtime Firefighter Saved By the Very Device He Lobbied for Months Earlier

Longtime Firefighter Saved By the Very Device He Lobbied for Months Earlier
Even though he has spent decades saving other people's lives, this firefighter's recent workplace decision ended up saving his own life months later.

This 63-year-old firefighter is alive today thanks to a fateful decision he made several months earlier.

Bill Staudt has been a New York City firefighter for the last 36 years, but he only recently had the idea to lobby for a defibrillator in the fire department building.

Upon submitting a request to the department's management team, the building in Queens was finally equipped with an automated external defibrillator (AED) device.

It's a good thing that he did, too; back in September, only several months after he submitted the request, Staudt suddenly felt a burning sensation in his chest as was walking back to his desk.

Next thing he knew, he was in the back of an ambulance.

Staudt had gone into cardiac arrest – and thanks to the recently-equipped AED device in his building, his fellow first responders were able to resuscitate him and bring him to the hospital.

"He's a subset of patients who have cardiac arrest without known cause," Dr. JoonHyuk Kim from NewYork-Presbyterian Queens told WLNY. "When a person has cardiac arrest outside a hospital setting, the survival rate is very low."

Though he now has an implanted defibrillator that will monitor his heart in the future, Staudt is alive thanks to the AED – and doctors hope that Staudt's survival story serves as a lesson to others on the importance of having a defibrillator in the workplace.

(WATCH the news coverage below or our international viewers can watch the footage on the CBS News website) – Photo by WLNY

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