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Here Are 21 Hilarious Mom-isms From Our Readers on Mother's Day: 'Your Mom Said What?'

Here Are 21 Hilarious Mom-isms From Our Readers on Mother's Day: 'Your Mom Said What?'
We asked our readers to tell us their favorite quirky "mom-isms" and the results were a hilarious romp down maternal lane.

We asked our readers to tell us their favorite quirky "mom-isms" (using the hashtag #MyMomism) and the results were a rollicking romp down "Really?" lane. See if you find these as hilarious as we do…

2. "When we would do something a little risky, like swing really high and jump off, she would say, 'Are you tired of living?'" -Ellen Mocarski Bedford

3. "'Who did it and ran?' Her favorite thing to say when something got broken, disappeared, or generally went wrong in the house."  -Li-Anne Fiore

4. "'Do you live in the Colosseum? Shut the door!'" -Pierina Bevilacqua

5. "'Girls, I'm cold. Go put your sweaters on!'" -Noreen Noni Heikes

6. "Ha ha. All moms of young children can relate to this one:  'Go to bed. I'm tired.'" -Li-Anne Fiore

7. "When my mom was really annoyed with us and wanted to get us out of the house she would tell us to 'go play jacks on Grand River Ave' in Detroit. LOL!" -Trisha Clow York

8. "'What are you, helpless or hopeless?' (As a kid, I'd think real hard and never could figure it out. No matter which one I chose, my Ma would always laugh.)  -Sandi IneedCoffee

9. "'Clear the table! This is why your father and I had kids, so we don't have to clear the table.'" -Tracy Lynn Grillo

10. "My favorite momism is this random phrase that my mom made up called 'toot toot shaboogie.' Even though I have no idea what it means, I still love that little quirk about her." -Anna Hamilton

11. Whenever I was feeling overwhelmed, mom would say, 'How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.'" -Amy Littlefield Svanberg

12. "As a kiddo running out the door, I heard, 'Put your manners in your pocket!'" -Amy Littlefield Svanberg

13. "When my brother and I would argue and yell for my mom – expecting her to step in and settle the argument – she'd sweetly yell back, 'Just don't get blood on the furniture!' (We realized she had no intention of stepping in, and we learned how to work through our own disagreements.)" -Michele Boyd

14. "In response to our tall tales, mom always replied, 'And another cow flew by.'"  -Mary McNabb

15. "When she's fed up with something or really tired, Mom always says, 'I can't go another further!' Now it [sometimes] comes out of my mouth … lol." -Marcia Whyte

16. "We were watching a John Wayne western, as we often did on Sundays, when suddenly my Mom looked at the TV and said: 'He looks so good. He must have made that (film) before he died.'" -Karen Towey Sulprizio

17. "'A lack of planning on your part is not an emergency on my part.'" -Maria Koshenina

18. "'Some day you will understand, but I will be dead by then, so where's the glory in that.'" -Maddy Brady

19. "Mom would always say that she had 'champagne taste and beer pockets.'  -Sue Kelly Sunny

20. Mom: How are you feeling? Me (with a 2 month old first child): I'm ok - just tired. Mom: You're gonna be tired for the rest of your life! -Francesca Avelleyra

21. "'How can one mama take care of five children, but five children can't take care of one mama?'" -Janelle Westerman Lirette

And that's a pretty good summary of motherhood, right there. 

Be Sure And Share The Laughs With Your Friends On Social Media - Photo by JulienDucenne, CC

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