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Seth Myers Breaks Down Why a Fun Stranger Showing Up At Bachelor Party is the 'Story We Need'

Seth Myers Breaks Down Why a Fun Stranger Showing Up At Bachelor Party is the 'Story We Need'
Seth Myers hilariously explains why a stranger's response to an accidental email invitation is the kind of amusing tale of fun that we need this week.

A post shared by Okemo Mountain Resort (@okemomtn) on Jan 19, 2019 at 1:07pm PST

Most people who receive texts or emails from unknown contacts will usually just delete the message and move on with their lives - but not Will Novak.

Novak, who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, received an email with the subject "Angelo's Bachelor Party" earlier this month - and since he doesn't know anyone named Angelo, he assumed it was spam.

Upon opening the message, however, he found that someone had mistyped an email address that was intended for another Will Novak. Furthermore, the email was an invitation for a ski trip weekend getaway to celebrate Angelo Onello's bachelor party.

Instead of deleting the message, Novak replied to the email group and said that even though he was a total stranger, he would be delighted to attend the party extravaganza.

To his surprise, Onello enthusiastically agreed.

"I responded with a lot of crazy energy and they met me at that same level. It was just like a game of chicken," Novak told PEOPLE. "Our emails were back and forth. I was like, if these guys think I'm gonna chicken out, they're wrong! I think they were thinking the same thing."

Novak then started a GoFundMe to raise a few hundred bucks for the airfare and trip expenses - and as his story was shared across social media, he met his goal in a matter of hours.

Novak was able to attend the bachelor party, and based on their stories from the event, it was a blast.

"Angelo's bachelor party was a big success!!!" Novak wrote on the GoFundMe page. "No one died, or even got arrested! Though the other Will Novak did dislocate his shoulder whilst trying to 'shred the gnar.'"

Since the crowdfunding campaign ended up raising a few thousand dollars more than Novak needed, he donated all of the excess funds to his new friend Angelo and his bride.

To find out more about the amusing bachelor party bonanza, you can watch this Seth Myers segment on why "this is the kind of story we need right now."

(WATCH the hilarious news clip below - video contains mild language)

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