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Father Fired for Attending Son's Birth is Flooded With Support, Job Offers

Father Fired for Attending Son's Birth is Flooded With Support, Job Offers
When Lamar Austin was terminated for attending his child's birth instead of work, the New Hampshire community responded spectacularly.

When Lamar Austin was forced to choose between a weekend of work at his new job or the birth of his son Cainan, he made the obvious decision – but his employer didn't see it that way.

Lamar was working a part-time 90-day trial period as a security guard at Salerno Protective Services when his wife went into labor last Friday night. Though he sent a text to his boss explaining the situation, he received a response reading: "You're forcing my hand, if you aren't in work by 8 tomorrow we are going to terminate you."

When Lamar's story was published in the local newspaper, it was seen by former town board member and paid family leave advocate Sara Persechino, who created a GoFundMe campaign to ease the financial stresses of the family until Lamar found another job.

"No one should have to choose between their family and their job," says Sara. "Welcoming a new baby to a family should be a joyous time."

Since its creation two days ago, 100 people have donated over $2,000 to the campaign. More importantly, 3 different local employers contacted Lamar with job offers, as well as an apprenticeship from the local business manager of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and from the labour union, AFL-CIO.

Although the company has complained of misstatements in the media, and there are "two sides to every story," they declined to comment and have given no details about their side of the story.

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