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Mom Donates 2 Organs to Save Her Son: "This year is going to be your year"

Mom Donates 2 Organs to Save Her Son: "This year is going to be your year"
Joe wasn't getting the liver and kidney he needed to stay alive without dialysis - so his mother Sarah decided to donate them both herself.

This adoring mother is wasting no time waiting on two different organs for her son - she's simply going to donate both of them herself.

Joe Lamont was born with a rare condition known as autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. Since he had to have both of his kidneys removed, he has had to go in for dialysis three times a week just to stay alive.

After being on the transplant list for over a year without results, his devoted 36-year-old mother Sarah Lamont decided she would donate one of her own kidneys and part of her liver in order to save her son.

Sarah is set to undergo surgery for the liver transplant on January 25th at the Birmingham Children's Hospital. Once mother and son are healed, Joe will receive Sarah's kidney.

"I'll be all right, I'm a very optimistic person. If I could do it today I would, the sooner the better," Sarah told the Independent. "I said to him the other night ‘this is going to be your year Joe' and he got excited and said to me ‘I'm getting a new liver and a new kidney!'."

Click To Share The Sweet News With Your Friends (Photo by Sarah Lamont)

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