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Families Choose Road Trips Over Airfare to Spend More Time Together - Here's a Checklist and Some Car Games to Play

Families Choose Road Trips Over Airfare to Spend More Time Together - Here's a Checklist and Some Car Games to Play
Despite road trips taking more time and preparation than flying on a plane, Americans prefer hitting the road so they can spend time with loved ones.

According to new research, the average American is choosing to hit the road with their family this summer, instead of flying - and it's not just because of the money saved.

The poll of 2,000 Americans found that driving allows them to see things and experience more together, and offers the opportunity to spend quality family time with one another-and 45% are taking their pet along for the fun.

It's this quality time that Americans seem to enjoy. In fact, 78% of those surveyed revealed they have very fond memories of family road trips in the past.

During the average car ride this year, folks will play three car games and hear three clamors of 'Are we there yet?'

The license plate game was chosen as the number one car game played by Americans - with 43% enjoying the pastime of searching for out-of-state vehicle plates as they travel to their vacation destination.

Another fun game is going around the car with everyone naming as many cities or countries that begin with 'A', until someone is stumped before moving on to 'B'.

THE TOP 5 CAR GAMES ARE… SURVEY SAYS: 1. License plate game 2. I spy 3. 21 questions 4. Phone/tablet games 5. Bingo

"From Memorial Day to Labor Day, families take a break from school and work to come together and vacation with loved ones," said Jaclyn Chastain, the Marketing Manager for Quaker State, which sponsored the OnePoll survey. "Spending time with family, especially in the car, provides some of the best time for bonding."

But that's not all that goes down during a long car ride to a vacation destination.

For half the respondents, Rock and Pop topped the list of summer song genres to listen to in the car.

71% are big fans of eating in the car while traveling, and 66% don't mind stopping for snacks and food.

67% like a nice bathroom break stop, even while driving an average of only three hours.

To make sure the old Chevrolet makes it safely to their destinations, Americans prepare with pre-trip essentials-the top task being checking their car's tires (68%).

Though family road trips are enjoyable for 77% of those polled, that doesn't mean they don't come with their share of stressful moments-heavy traffic being the number one irritant.

Another 62% admitted bad weather has caused stress while traveling by car and a further 39% got stressed out making sure the car was working properly whenever they travel long distances with the family. Keeping the kids entertained was reported as stressful by 38%.

5 PRE-ROAD TRIP ESSENTIALS? … SURVEY SAYS: 1. Checking the car's tires 68% 2. Making sure enough gas is in the car 68% 3. Checking the oil in the car 62% 4. Getting an oil change 54% 5. Making sure enough snacks/food are packed 54%

5 MOST COMMON ROAD TRIP EXPERIENCES? … SURVEY SAYS: 1. Getting lost/taking a wrong turn 53% 2. Getting a flat tire 43% 3. Someone in the car getting car sick 35% 4. Losing cell reception at a crucial moment 31% 5. Having a child who won't stop crying 30%

Make sure everyone has gone to the toilet, and is hydrated and fed before you leave-and remember that having a good attitude before you enter the car ensures a great start.

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