Worth Sharing


Stories That Matter

Everyday Miracles Happen, Friends!

Everyday Miracles Happen, Friends!
Life is full of everyday Miracles, friends! After eight months, an expensive camera that was lost by my son while surfing in the ocean was not only found in a tidal pool two miles up the beach, it made its way back to us and it was still working!

Life is full of everyday Miracles, friends!

My son, Shane (9) was surfing with his dad's Go Pro on Mothers day (May 2014) at Haskalls, Goleta and it somehow got loose from his board. He was so sad and felt so bad. We had everyone with us in the water looking for it and after an hour or so we gave up and accepted that it got swallowed up into the great big Ocean.

Shane has been talking about it for months and how he so wished he could get Matt another GoPro for Christmas (which did not happen).

I showed the post to Matt and laughed, knowing it was 8 MONTHS later and the chances were 1 in a million. Matt messaged the person who had found it and, surprisingly, it matched his description.

We went by this afternoon and picked it up. When we got home we plugged it in, and HOLY MOLY………the memory card worked, and it is OURS!


And there good people in this world.

By: Tara Van Dyk


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