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Students 'Overwhelmed' After Landlord Gives Them 'Good Tenant Bonuses' On Top of Returning Security Deposits

Students 'Overwhelmed' After Landlord Gives Them 'Good Tenant Bonuses' On Top of Returning Security Deposits
English students in Leeds praised their landlord who gave them 'good tenant' bonuses when they were moving out-and the tweet went viral with 265k likes.

7 students renting an apartment together were each left stunned and overwhelmed with kindness when they had to move out and deal with their landlord over the security deposit.

They had lived in their Leeds, England apartment for three years, and when it came time for the landlord to say goodbye, he not only returned their deposits, he added a 20 percent bonus-and strangers far and wide were applauding the kindness.

Maisie, a 22-year old psychology student at the University of Leeds, posted a screenshot on Twitter sharing the text message that her landlord, John, sent to all his departing tenants. The caption read, "A nice student landlord!!! Love you John," and it received a whopping 265,000 likes.

The text from John read, "As a thank you, I have added a small bonus of £50 to each of your deposits making it £300 and now the shops are opening again I hope you'll be able to buy yourself something nice." He added, "You have all been excellent tenants."

A nice student landlord !!! Love you John 🥺❤️ pic.twitter.com/C3QnMOMQKV

Speaking to LeedsLive WS, John said: "I wish them well in the future. If they carry on how they did in my house they will be fine people."

The students have all recently graduated, and will be going their separate ways.

Maisie, who is originally from Manchester, also said "We lived at the house for three years and it was really nice, we never had any problems if we did John did everything he could to fix it.

"I'm just amazed by the amount of likes the tweet has got. It's important for people to be aware that there are good landlords too."

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