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Therapy Wolves Become Guides for Troubled Teens (WATCH)

Therapy Wolves Become Guides for Troubled Teens (WATCH)
Rescued wolves are paired with troubled teens at a facility in southern California where the animals and kids bond, helping heal old wounds.

Wolves are rarely seen as creatures of comfort and healing, but they're changing teenage lives for the better in southern California.

"Wolf Therapy" is an eight-week program focusing on making a primal connection between young adults and wolves who were abandoned or neglected in the wild.

The initiative is the offspring of a partnership between the animal rescue operation Wolf Connection and Promises, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.

Wolves and teenagers are often misunderstood, but their worlds come together at a 165-acre facility 45 miles north of Los Angeles.

"Wolf Therapy" is an eight-week program focusing on making a primal connection between young adults and wolves who were abandoned or neglected in the wild.

The initiative is the offspring of a partnership between the animal rescue operation Wolf Connection and Promises, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.

Wolves and teenagers are often misunderstood, but their worlds come together at a 165-acre facility 45 miles north of Los Angeles.

"We bring people into the world of the wolf for a day or a weekend," Teo Alfero, a pack leader at Wolf Connection, said in a 2013 video.  "For a moment all that neglect and self- hurt and mistreatment and anger cease to be in the front of your life. It takes a little step to the side and allows for a connection that is very, very deep at a primal level."

Alfero says the wolves help young adults to engage in a different lifestyle by developing confidence and trust. He says they essentially step out of their former lives, make the connection, then move on with a healthier, more productive outlook.

(WATCH a videos about wolf therapy for addicts below) – Photo: Wolf Connection Video

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