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Hollywood Legend Dick Van Dyke Hands Out Money to Struggling People Standing in Line For Jobs

Hollywood Legend Dick Van Dyke Hands Out Money to Struggling People Standing in Line For Jobs
95-year-old Dick Van Dyke helped out at the Malibu Community Labour Exchange last week.

He may be best known for his delightful rooftop dance moves while playing a chimney sweep in Mary Poppins, but Dick Van Dyke hasn't quietly slipped into retirement since his breakthrough 1964 role.

In fact, the 95-year-old has been caught doing all sorts of good deeds over the years.

His latest kindness? Last week, the actor showed up at Los Angeles' Malibu Community Labor Exchange—and began handing out cash to job seekers waiting in line outside the non-profit.

Tip your hat to one of the good guys: Dick Van Dyke, 95, hands out wads of cash to people in need in Malibu https://t.co/ObsWGnXwQq via @MailOnline

Helping others has been an important part of Van Dyke's life for decades. He's known for spending over 20 years volunteering at LA shelter The Midnight Mission. He's also served as a spokesperson for the Cell Therapy Foundation and the National Reye's Syndrome Foundation.

The last time we shared the good news relating to this Hollywood legend? It was to report on Van Dyke dancing with his real-life wife, Arlene Silver, in the most joyful music video ever for bluegrass group Dustbowl Revival.

Oh, and then there was the time he treated diners at a Santa Monica Denny's to a spontaneous performance of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with his a cappella group Vantastix.

The secret to ageing gracefully? It seems it may just be taking a step out of Van Dyke's shoes, by giving to others, and dancing and singing whenever we can.

For proof, just watch this video of Van Dyke dancing in a department store.

Few things are better thn 93 year old Dick Van Dyke dancing at a dept store............ pic.twitter.com/Pk5NwBebc3

The beloved star quipped, "That rule about having to act one's age? – I just don't buy it."

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