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Hear the World's Greatest Voices Read the World's Greatest Letters

Hear the World's Greatest Voices Read the World's Greatest Letters
Produced by Benedict Cumberbatch, the Letters Live show is an incredibly moving celebration of the human spirit – and now for the first time ever, it is coming to America.



Writing letters is one of the most intimate, emotional, refined, and romantic forms of communication – which is why these celebrities are reading some aloud just for you.

Letters Live is a theatrical performance in which the world's greatest stars read some of the world's greatest letters. Performers in past shows have included Benedict Cumberbatch, Gillian Anderson, Ian McKellen, Russell Brand, JJ Abrams, Oscar Isaac, Jude Law, Nick Cave, and Sir Ben Kingsley.


The letters – some of which were written by the likes of David Bowie, Gandhi, Maya Angelou, Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, and Kurt Vonnegut – reflect everything from humor to heartbreak as only Hollywood can deliver.


Producer and performer Benedict Cumberbatch writes: "Letters Live makes us pause and imagine the lives behind the letters read and the circumstances of their origin. The relationship between the audience, reader and writer on a Letters Live night helps deepen our understanding of these inspiring artifacts of the human condition.

"They are windows into the love, beauty, pain, and humor of their creators and recipients. It's a privilege to read this most ancient form of communication to a live audience," says Cumberbatch.


The first Letters Live performance took place in London in December 2013. Now, for the first time, the show will be hosted in America on February 26th. All the proceeds from ticket sales will be divided between the charities 826LA and Women for Women International.

If you would like to attend the performance, you can purchase tickets here.

(WATCH the teaser trailer below)

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