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Deploying iPads Will Save U.S Air Force $50 Million Over Ten Years

Deploying iPads Will Save U.S Air Force $50 Million Over Ten Years
The U.S. Air Force expects to save more the five million dollars per year as a result of deploying 18,000 iPads in the field. When the iPads replace heavy, paper-bound flight manuals, a savings of well over $50 million on printing costs and fuel is the result.

The U.S. Air Force expects to save more the five million dollars per year as a result of deploying 18,000 Apple iPads in the field.

When the iPads replace heavy, paper-bound flight manuals, a spokesman for the Air Force's Air Mobility Command said, a savings of well over $50 million on printing costs and fuel is the result.

"We're saving about 90 pounds of paper per aircraft and limiting the need for each crew member to carry a 30 to 40 pound paper file," Major Brian Moritz, manager of AMC's electronic flight bag program, when speaking to The Street.

In a C-5 with ten crew members the weight savings can be up to 490 pounds.

(READ the article from Tab Times)

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