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Denmark May Begin Labeling Food According to Its Effect on Climate Change

Denmark May Begin Labeling Food According to Its Effect on Climate Change
Though the task may prove difficult for legislators, it could have a dramatic impact on grocery manufacturing, packaging, and shopping.

The government of Denmark may soon require grocery stores and packaging manufacturers to grade foods based on their environmental impact.

The ambitious initiative would calculate the grade based on the amount of transportation the product required to reach the shelves, as well as how much water was used to make the product, which pesticides were used on its exterior, the environmental impact of the packaging, and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that were created as a byproduct of the food.

Legislators admit that the task will be difficult based on the challenge of grading the products in contrast with their nutritious content as well.

Ideally, the labels would encourage consumers to shop more responsibly and urge food companies to use more sustainable practices for their products.

The Danish Agriculture and Food Council has reportedly been working with the European Union for the last ten years to develop an efficient labeling system, although lawmakers finally offered a formal proposal for the labeling system last week.

"Our goal is to develop an accurate label. We must include every piece of information so products like plant-based substitutes for ground meat has information on the climate impact of the soy in the product which is produced in South America," Morten Høyer, director of the council, told CNN.

"Things like these are difficult to calculate, so we have a worthy challenge ahead of us before we can say with certainty that we have the right solution for a climate label."

"Everyone knows that food production influences the climate, but if the rest of the world produced food the way we do in Denmark, the world would be a better place," adds Høyer.

Be Sure And Share This Tasty Tidbit Of News With Your Friends On Social Media – Photo by Anthony Albright, CC

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